كلية الطب البيطرى

أساليب تقييم مقرر وراثة الفصل الدراسى الأول

4.1- Lectures

4.2- Clinical and small group sessions.

a) Microscopical demonstration of slides.

b) Practical training for methods of karyotyping..

c) Gene mapping by linkage studies.

d) Restriction mapping.

4.3- CD’s-slides and video tapes.

Demonstration of instruments used in genetic engineering like PCR, DNA sequencing and DNA electrophoretic system.

4.4- Experimental animal and tissue culture.

5- Student assessment methods

5.1- Written examination for assessment of knowledge and understanding.

5.2- Oral examination for assessment of understanding, intellectual and transferable skills.

5.3- Practical sheet examination for assessment of understanding of the theoretical part of the practical course.

5.4- Microscopical slides examination for assessment practical and intellectual skills.

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