كلية الطب البيطرى

نتائج مقرر الولادة (التلقيح الاصطناعى ونقل الاجنة)

Intended learning outcomes of course (ILOS) :

a- Knowledge and understanding:

After successful completion of the courts the students should be able to:

a.1. Identify the techniques of semen collection, evaluation, processing and handling. 

a.2. Locate the technique of insemination and evaluation of the breeding policy

a.3. Recognize the techniques of IVE, ET, cloning and sexing 

b- Intellectual skills:

After successful completion of the courts the students should be able to:

b.1. Analyze the utilization of reproductive biotechnologies

b.2. Practice the  handling with a problem of A.I

b.3..Formulate and Learn good breeding policy.

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